Never mind “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”…
Set aside the notion that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." Recent research has unveiled a surprising twist in the narrative of cybersecurity risks – your digitally-savvy younger employees could be your organization's most significant vulnerability.
Surprised? Let's delve into the specifics.
A comprehensive global survey engaged over 6,500 employees, representing diverse demographics. The findings were quite concerning.
The study revealed that younger office workers, those aged 40 or under, are more prone to disregard established password security guidelines. Would you believe that 34% confessed to using their birthdates as passwords, in stark contrast to just 19% of those over 40? But that's not all.
The tendency to use the same password across multiple devices was also more prevalent among younger employees, with 38% owning up to this practice.
And when it comes to phishing scams, a staggering 23% of the younger demographic chose not to report the last phishing attempt they encountered, offering the reason, "I didn't consider it important."
But do they genuinely grasp the gravity of security threats to businesses? Well, not entirely.
While 23% acknowledged ransomware, and 22% recognized phishing as significant threats, the overall stance on cybersecurity leaves much to be desired.
Here's the catch: an astonishing number of respondents disclosed that their organizations did NOT offer mandatory cybersecurity training.
From the United States (30%) to the United Kingdom (17%), Netherlands (32%), Japan (35%), India (31%), Germany (22%), France (43%), Australia (29%), and China (65%) – the statistics speak for themselves.
So, should we truly blame our younger workforce when it's evident that businesses aren't doing enough to equip their employees with essential cybersecurity skills?
It's high time we cease treating cybersecurity as an afterthought and commence investing in regular cyber awareness training for everyone within our organizations. Yes, EVERYONE. Not only the tech team or the executives but each and every employee.
Ultimately, it's not merely about safeguarding your business; it's about forging a safer digital world for all of us.
We can assist you in achieving that objective. Get in touch with us today.