And the award for most common phishing scam goes to…

Hey there, let's chat about the sneaky world of phishing emails—those crafty wolves in sheep's clothing that can wreak havoc on your business data. Imagine a legit-looking email with a hidden agenda, like a secret agent trying to infiltrate your inbox.

So, what's a phishing email exactly? It's like a poser at a party, pretending to be your friend but secretly scheming to trick you. These emails often come with shady links, sketchy attachments, or requests for your sensitive info. It's basically the internet's version of a trust fall gone wrong.

Now, why should you care? Picture this: financial loss, data breaches, and a major hit to your company's street cred. Not cool, right? So, let's arm ourselves with knowledge.

Last year's phishing hits had three main themes: major, moderate, and minor.

Major Themes: The big kahuna was finance-related phishing, making up a whopping 54% of attacks. Fake invoices and payment requests were the villains here. Next up, we had notification phishing emails (35%), playing on urgency—like your password's about to pull a disappearing act.

Moderate Themes: Enter document and voicemail scams, stealing the spotlight with 38% and 25% of attacks, respectively. Sneaky files and tricky messages aimed at making you compromise your security.

Minor Themes: These are the underdogs—emails about benefits, taxes, job applications, and property. Less common but still pack a punch if you're not paying attention.

Why bother? Falling for these scams means trouble—financial woes, data headaches, and a black mark on your company's rep. So, what's the game plan? Spread the word, educate your crew, and beef up your cybersecurity game.

Remember, awareness and vigilance are your ride-or-die buddies in this cyber adventure. We've got your back—helping businesses like yours stay safe is what we do. If you're not sure about your cybersecurity game, let's have a chat and make sure you're locked and loaded against those cyber baddies.


Cyber attacks: Stronger, faster and more sophisticated


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